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I love the group of them . It works so much better than just one

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Jimi looking forward to your new garden

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Good morning gardeners.

Over the next week I will be answering questions every day . So fire your gardening questions at me


This may not be a Jimi question, but worth a try! Do you know anything about Fig trees? have a 4-5-yr old tree that's getting very leggy, but I've always been afraid to prune it in case it's the wrong time of year. This is also complicated by next years fruit buds which have already formed towards the ends of the branches. If I prune the branches down I will lose the buds and fig potential for next year. It just never seems like a good time to prune! Any help greatly appreciated :)

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Jimi can you move lilies in spring

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Thanks Jimi

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🎃 Something mysterious is happening at Hunting Brook...

The autumn air is crisp, leaves are turning, and mystery fills the garden...

Can you feel it? Something spooky is brewing, and we're bubbling with excitement to share it with you!

Keep your eyes on this space over the next 24 hours... A haunting announcement approaches! 👻

What do you think we're cooking up? Share your spookiest guesses below - you might win a special prize! 🦇


A a spooky Halloween party invitation for all in fancy dress??

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Friendly reminder to our inner circle members, this weeks masterclass has been moved to tomorrow instead of Thursday!

If you haven't already signed up, you can use the link below 😊

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